Live Ticker: Türkiyemspor: St. Pauli (II) vs
Today we will get out of the Jahn Sportpark LIVE from the game against St. Pauli Türkiyemspor. Adjoining 14:00
Türkiyemspor: FC ST. Pauli (II) maçından canli skor servise saat 15'den itibaren (TSI) takip edebilirsiniz Burdan.
Murat, Patrick and Henning will take no injuries due to start in the squad room. Mould is not in the squad. Manuel back again
Murat, Patrick Henning sakatlık nedenile ve ilk yer onbire almıyacaklar. Schimmel kadroda almiyor yer, ama geri Manuel kadroya Döndü
14:01 0-0 game starts - Mac basladi
14:09 14:24 0:2 0:1 Pichinot
14:27 The injury-related changes in the defense pay for ST. Pauli from.
Defansdaki sakatlik nedenile olan oyuncu degisikligi ST. Tajimi getirdi Pauli 2-0.
14:30 1:2 GOOOOOOOL Henning TS bringt wieder ran. Henning Türkiyem'in registering the first goal. 14:36
Volleyschuß mit 1:2 H, doch ST. Keeper klärt Pauli auf der Linie. St. Hakan class milk. Abdi at the last moment the goalkeeper saves
Pauli aus der Drehung Gooooool 14:39 2:2. 2:2 Abdi provided. 2:2 Türkiyem spielbestimmend jetzt 14:44
. Now the game was dominated by Türkiyemspor Halbzeitstand
14:50 2:2 - The first half ended 2:2 Es geht weiter
15:02 - 15:13
Mac continues Vorarbeit 3:2 nach von Hakan trifft Goooooool Sulo. - Brought in front of Sulo Türkiyemspor'a. Assist Hakan'dan
15:50 15:32 3:3 3:3 Ensstand Winkler. Mac ended
Türkiyemspor distinguished himself particularly in the second half of the game back in the omission of top-scoring chances. Now all fans are invited to celebrate the Franciscans with the team.
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