Thursday, May 15, 2008

Scabies Pathophysiology

Our Story - Chronicle

The beginnings of a city today measured only with archaeological resources. Nevertheless, the first written mention of a special value.

The Church in Tellingstedt is watching as a Church of Meldorfer church.
is unfortunately not mentioned in the founding years of this church (about 11-12. Century) Welmbüttel.

Like many other communities Dithmarschen Welmbüttel is also mentioned in the lawsuits of 1447 (Document book Michelsen S. 45/46).
can be cited in the statement of the text 1402.
It is there, "... as you wrote fourteen hundred in the other years , the Wednesday next before the honest parties, welcomed the festival Christ's body, ... "it follows the May 24, 1402 , further in the text, the amount of the damage mentioned." ... so sue the religious people in the village Willembüttele ... ... 1000 Mark .
For Schrum and Gaushorn were there "... Scrum ... ... 4000 ... Mark and Goweshorn ... 800 Mark referred.
The complaints are by year (later, "... fourteen hundred years ... third") and listed by location, so come for some places, even from multiple answers.

.. . more in our new "seemed chronicle of the three communities Geest Welmbüttel - Gaushorn - Schrum " or on the website:
Dithmarschen-wiki and wikipedia


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