Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Free Complete Kates Playground Galleries

and other gems are more to come-its

other gems packages have already arrived, some are still by post move. However
have forgotten some of the postage, some, it occurred to already own, please report the other again.
But what I've seen so far is wonderful.

Some more bead packages are here by now, and the others are on their way. What can I say, the beads are still wonderful.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Does Microgynon Give Me Diarhhea

the first pearls ...

are today ... again small angekommmen and sky all Kunstwerek, own small worlds.
I'm looking forward to all the beads and the associated work. But it is beautiful.

The first beads arrived today, and they are the cutest little pieces of art you can image. I'm looking forward to all the work and the joy I will have, when all the other beads will arrive.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Technical Name Of Hidden Blade


not quite three weeks ago and the current round is drawing to a close. So
beads on the needle, if not already done and ready to make your everything!
I'm very excited

In three weeks this round will be finished.
Sun Beaders of the world, please make your final stiches.
I'm looking forward to hear from you.
